Wednesday, 25 September 2013


As a freshly graduated CHEMIST, now is the time to compile all the knowledge i have gained over the past five years to a relevant career.One thing i did learn after aquiring my chemistry credentials is that i never wanted to be a chemist. Nor do i want to spend the next four to five years advancing in the field, at least not yet. But i want to use my knowledge and brilliant ideas to improve beauty and life style.
            A seemingly unexpected bloom of interest in my love for beauty and lifestyle. It began when i started using some natural substances on my skin in combination with some very good synthetic products and saw the wonders they could perform, giving me a radiantly beautiful skin and solving some of my skin problems without me having to spend much. ;-)

              Chemistry thread weave through out the world of beauty and lifestyle. From it i have noticed many lessons that relate to the trends and practices common in beauty and lifeztyle. In order to maintain radiance and glamour. I am not here to lecture you on chemistry but to give insights on how to take away that big burden that makes you think you are not beautiful enough to stand out.;-) . *fingers crossed* bye for now.


  1. Congratz !!! Living the dream #PR. Y'all can learn a lot of natural beauty tips, she's gud @ it.
