Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Hello guys! :D...i know! I know! I have been MIA. Well, some personal stuffs took me off. Never the less my lovelies, hope you ve been keeping it  radiant? ;). Let's get down to business. Hmm something recently caught my attention. A lot of women are battling seriously with this very self esteem impeding skin problem. I noticed that every five women i come across in a day, 3 at least have this dark patch around the eyes or just one the corner of the eye. This is hyperpigmentation at its best. One self esteem killer. One that makes women hide thier skin under layers of foundation and concealer just to feel confident. I could go on and

                 I think what get's to me the most is the whole misconception about hyperpigmentation than the hyperpigmentation itself. A lot of people believe it is as a result of bleaching and can only be your problem if you are light skinned. I totally disagree. I carried out my own research on hyperpigmentation too and guess what! A lot of dark skinned people have it too. The only thing is that its not that noticeable when its little on a dark skin. Hyperpigmentation occurs as a result of skin defence mechanism. The skin secretes melanin whenever it feels threatened by damage of any sort. Well this post is to profer solution and corrrect the whole misconception. The following  are some causes of hyperpigmentation;

*Too much exposure to the sun/ ultra violet rays.
*Use of harsh chemicals on the skin (this may any substance that doesnt go well with ur skin type).
*Stress. Oh yes! Stress strains the skin and cause it to age faster. So you need to relax.
*Smoking. I don't have to explain what smoken does to the collagen in ur skin right? Cause we are all aware but still smoke anyways.
           No lies, on my road to finding an effective treament for hyperpigmnentation, i discovered that hyperpigmentation is the most stubborn skin patch to eliminate, as it is caused by a natural skin protection mechanism. Let me not bore you with all them experiment talks. Long story short, after all the very expensive and time consuming therapies i tried the most effective is actually very simple and not even time consuming. But the question is can you be faithful and patient enough? Well, just follow my lead.

       To treat hyperpigmentation, all you need to do is get the following;
*1bottle of honey
*1pack/tin of powdered milk (full cream is prefered).
Thats all you need. Easy to get right? I know :D. You might be thinking a bottle of honey and a pack/tin of milk is too much, but no. You will have to be consistent.

* Pour little amount of milk on ur palm,
*Add 4 drops of honey to it,
*Add few drops of water and mix till you get a homogenous paste.
*Apply paste immediately to the affected area around the eye. You can leave this facial mask on the face as long as you want but not less than 15minutes.
*Rinse off with warm water and you are good to go.
         This recipe works for all skin types. Do this and watch that very embarassing dark patch disappear. Cheers! :D. Stay radiant!!!